A few days ago, I turned in the manuscript for the tenth Imager Portfolio book, tentatively entitled Treachery’s Tools. Tor has indicated that it will likely be published sometime in the summer of 2016. I am, of course, beginning work on a new book.

A few days ago, I turned in the manuscript for the tenth Imager Portfolio book, tentatively entitled Treachery’s Tools. Tor has indicated that it will likely be published sometime in the summer of 2016. I am, of course, beginning work on a new book.
Congrats! Is the protagonist new to the series, or have you written about them before?
Alastar and Alyna are the main characters, but the events take place some thirteen years after Madness in Solidar.
yah! Will this be a stand alone or multiple volumes? (either would be welcome)
Call it the delayed second volume of a duology, the first volume being Madness in Solidar.
All I can say is – can you write faster – I crave more of the imager/recluse series.
Another good book to look forward to…just have to find more shelf space 🙂
Thank you… I can hardly wait! 🙂
Your stories have helped me through a very dark time. I owe you more than money. Thank you.
I’m just glad that what I wrote helped.
I continue to buy your books in 1st Edition Hardcover, Kindle, and Audiobook form. You make my family and I very happy.
I have collected 1st Editions (many signed) since I was a pup… Yours are on a par with Jack Vance, and R.A.H.
Thank you. Always.
Thank you.
It seems to me you are writing more books but the publishing of them is slowing down which for fans of your work is highly irritating!!!
There was essentially an eight-month delay created by a combination of requirements from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and internal policies of Macmillan. After that delay, essentially ending with the publication of Treachery’s Tools in October, that “slowdown” should end.
The word that comes to mind every time I see a new Modesitt book is….prolific. More than 1 book a year. Which is fine with me; if you write it, I’ll read it. Thanks, and keep up the good work
Out of curiosity, why does it take a year from the time your submit your draft to when it is published? Does it really take that long to edit? Or is this more of a publisher mandate? Have they not figured out that your fans will buy your books if you put something out once a more or once a year? If anything, the longer the break in books, the less relevant the author can become. Just food for thought. Thanks.
It’s not so much the time to edit. That usually, in my case, takes a month or so. It’s the lead time required to commission a cover, obtain it, work out schedules and the like. In addition, the major purchasers of large quantities of books are demanding to know what books will be published more than a year in advance. Many writers do not meet schedules. While I’m not one of them, corporate schedulers like to be safe, and do not generally schedule book until they have completed and accepted manuscript in hand. Most of the time, I’ve been able to work within this framework. Because of events beyond my control, I “only” wrote two books over the past fifteen months, and one took nine months. I won’t go into the details because I’m still not happy over the circumstances that led to the delay, but let’s just say that sometimes the corporate culture [Macmillan, not Tor] feels that the loss in sales is acceptable because to do it another [and better] way would increase the cost of sales, tending to forget that one also loses sales if readers lose interest.
Will you be adding a fourth Rhenn book to the Imager Series?
I have always enjoyed the Recluce and the Imager Series. I also enjoyed the One Eyed Man.
It’s highly unlikely that I will write a fourth book about Rhenn. There will be another Imager Portfolio book in late 2016.
Just thought to send a thank you for books that I have loved reading all the way from the soprano sorceress books and Cyador and those ones to the Imager series. My brothers who are 18 years younger than me enjoy your books too. So to an author who has managed to span ages, well done and keep it up if you can I loooooove your books.
I absolutely love this series. I have reread it a couple of times. I also have all of the audio books and listen to them over and over. Everytime I reread or listen to the books I catch something I missed the first time around. Thank you for many hours of enjoyment.
Reading in Locus magazine today I see you sold a set of Recluse stories – I am assuming short stories. When will they be coming out? Looking forward to it.
Recluce Tales is tentatively scheduled for release in February of 2017. As I understand it, the delay is because of the advance notification requirements of Amazon and Barnes and Noble. It certainly isn’t to my liking.
wow, that is certainly a long turn around time. It surprises me and I am sure certain it shocks many of your fans why the delay. Fingers crossed that they decide to push the publication date to a sooner publication time.
I so enjoyed this series. I have all the books in electronic and audio format. I am currently listening to them again. That makes 2 times in a row. 🙂 I have read them all twice as well. They are always enjoyable and I learn something new that I missed the first times around. I have also enjoyed the recluse series. Your imagination astounds me. Happy writing.
I was wondering if an Imager book would ever be written in the same time as Rhenn but be from the perspective of his daughter, since it is nearly certain she will be an imager. There’s a 20 year time skip that could occur as well to bring new issues to the world.
I’ve actually thought about that, but as of yet… I don’t have it down well enough even to consider it.
Do you plan another book in the Recluse series? Also do you plan a book following Heritage that continues to follow the life of Lerial as he grows in his power much as you have in the Imager series.
There will be at least one more Recluce book, but that book will not be about Lerial.
Too bad…I know you don’t like to continue a story once the hero has offed credible opposition, but I thought Lerial had enough plates in the air vis a vis, his brother, evil magi and consolidating Hamor into an empire, that another novel is warranted.