As I noted in the “News” section, I just turned in Outcasts of Order, now scheduled for publication in June, 2018. I will also have a story entitled, “Gold and Glory,” which will appear in an anthology entitled All Hail Our Robot Conquerers, scheduled for release this coming September from the small Press Zombies Need Brains. I’m now working on another Imager Portfolio novel which will be a sequel to Assassin’s Price, the Imager Portfolio book that will be out in late July.

WOW! A ton of things to look forward to. Thanks for being so prolific. 🙂
I am really excited for the number of books you have coming out. I always enjoy reading your books. I love the values you instill in them and I love how I feel when I read your novels.
Thanks for keeping us entertained!
Looking forward to it. Have enjoyed everything you have written. Any chance you might do more with the Ecolitan series?
Most likely not any time soon.
Echoing other’s comments, thank you for continuing to provide so much reading enjoyment. I especially like the Imager stories.
Ahhhh I can’t get enough of the Imager Portfolio series. It helps make a long drive and traffic easier.
Plus you don’t have the stupid women waiting for a man to defend them type in the Image series. That is so refreshing. It is so refreshing not to have to roll my eyes over that.
Just finished Assassin’s Price. I very much appreciated that the viewpoint character was not an Imager. I have occasionally wanted to read, in your fantasy, how you would write a non magic user as the central character.
And I loved the book. I expect that can be deduced from my finishing it a day after its release.
After I posted my earlier comment I remembered Arms Commander.
I have a question about the protagonist and the general timeline of the next Imager book. Will we have a new character? Any chance the next will go into the future post Rhenn?
I’m always hoping to get even a brief mention of what happen to Rhenn, Shault, Dartazn and the Ferran war in the future.
Or maybe we find out more of how the council gets rid of the rex and the Imagers get a seat on the council?
Can’t wait to read more in the Imager series, Assassin’s Price was great!
The next Imager Portfolio book will be the direct sequel to Assassin’s Price, and the principal protagonist will again be Charyn. Since I’m still working on it, I’m not going to say any more at present.
Looking forward to it..
Just read Assassin’s Price, after binge re-reading the entire series to date. Can’t wait for the next one. Now I have to re-read all the Recluce books to get ready for the upcoming release.
Just read Assassin’s Price. Enjoyed the book a lot. I hope you will hurry on the nest Imager Portfolio Book. I go back and read the books every year or two. Its like visiting a old friend. Thank you for many hours of joy.
I always wondered about relationship between the Soarers and the Sanders. I was thinking about a story line, Wenda , Sander Queen. The last soarer has died and the Sanders need her power to continue to exist.
I love your books!
I too love the Imager series and look forward to future books. I just haven’t been able to get into the other series.
I have finished hip replacement surgery two weeks ago and am still on meds, so the following probably does not make sense. I read Solar Express right after the surgery and in my quirky and therefore irrelevant opinion, in some ways this is by far your best. I loved that you tackled the near future, always harder to pull off. I really appreciated the research on climate change, and the projections that in some ways echo what I have seen from the “science fiction” that James Hanson, Heidi ? and others have seen as plausible predictions from present trends. As someone who only wishes he had the chops, your ode to the value and processes of basic science was fascinating. Your new analysis of political lying was far more nuanced (although I suspect I am less cynical than you about good politicians such as A. Lincoln) than the usual semi-libertarian bias in even the best of scifi attempts to capture US/European-style politics in action.
Anyway, just thought I’d let you know before I slip back under the haze of painkillers 🙂 – w
Thank you.
My dad wants to know the exact pronunciation of “Imager.” He suspects you intend the French pronunciation, but can’t be certain. Can you confirm or deny, s’il vous plaît? Merci.
I thought of it that way, but I’m not a stickler.
I see that Apple iBooks, Amazon, and B&N (at least) have “Outcasts of Order” available for preorder now.
Can’t wait for Outcasts of Order.
Why does it take so long to publish the books once you turn your manuscript in?
After a book is turned in, it has to be copy-edited, which takes time, and a cover has to be commissioned and then painted or created digitally. The copy-edit comes back to me and my editor to make sure that the copy-editing hasn’t changed anything. Then it has to be typeset and printed. The big delays, however, are elsewhere. First, the big sales outlets, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, generally want at least a year’s notice to plan their purchases. If a publisher doesn’t provide that notice, advance sales will be considerably less. Then, press time to print both hardcovers and paperbacks has to be scheduled months in advance. It’s far more complex that that… but those are the basics.
Thank you for the concise answer… I’ve been curious as to why it takes so long for your wonderful novels to printed and available to your legion of followers.
Just did a pre-order for your book Outcasts of Order with Amazon.
I just noted that the Kindle edition of the Magic Engineer had been flagged as updated so have also downloaded this. Are you able to say what you did to have the book updated?
Just finished the Mongrel Mage. Thoroughly enjoyed the story. Looking forward to the next book. I see it will be out mid year, a long time to wait, but better than no new story at all. Have a Happy holiday!