I recently turned in to Tor the latest Recluce novel —From the Forest, which is the first of several books about Alyiakal, whose name is mentioned as a historical figure in both Magi’i of Cyador and Scion of Cyador. Right now, I don’t have a publication date, but it’s unlikely to appear before the second half of 2023 or perhaps early 2024 — but that’s a guess on my part.

I was passing by to thank you for the cover art and typeface on Isolate when I saw that you had just posted about a new book. If I remember correctly (alright, I looked it up.) Alykiakal was an important actor in the beginnings of Cyador, but he wasn’t remembered and celebrated for it. This seems to be a theme that you like because something similar happened to Quaeryt in the Imager Portfolio. This raises a question, are you a fan of Alexander Hamilton?
In fact, I’m a big fan of Alexander Hamilton, and also of a number of other “under-recognized” historical figures.
These coming words (hopefully many many words) about Alyiakal make me ridiculously happy. What makes me even more happy is the phrase “first of several.”
Echoing Wine Guy, it also makes me very happy to hear that there will be not one, not two, but several books about Alyiakal. Yay!
I can’t wait to read more about Alyiakal. Thank you!
Very interesting, from the hint in the short story, someone with a more multifaceted experience than most of his society. Definitely looking forward to it!
Also curious if there’s some plan for something, whether novel or short story, that describes how Fairhaven changed in about two centuries from how more or less balanced it was under Beltur to how wildly unbalanced it was in the days of Creslin.
With more work to do on the next novel about Alyiakal, I haven’t even considered possible future novels set in the world of Recluce.
i have wondered about the change from Fairhaven with Beltur and his decendants in charge and what happened between then and what happened in Creslin’s era.
I am sad that you’re not considering any more Recluse novels.
You are, by far my favorite and most read of authors. I get lost in the Recluse world and can imagine living there.
That was two years ago, and I was referring to what I’d do next. Since then I’ve written four Recluce books, and the first —From the Forest — came out in late January.
Looking quite forward to these stories. Important character in Cyadors history.
A short introduction to Alyiakal (“The One Never Mentioned”) can be found in Chapter XIII of “Magi’i of Cyador.” There is some background about his accomplishments and why the Magi’i, the Lancers, and even the Merchanters disliked him, despite his success in leading Cyador.
Thank you, Mr. Modesitt for returning to Recluce once again. Can’t wait!!!
This is exciting, however are you going to do any stories similar to the fall of angels but from the chaos side. Letting us know how they ended up on the planet?
We’ll just have to see. I still have to finish the books about Alyiakal.
Thanks. I’ve just finished the whole recluse series so I’m really looking forward to what’s forthcoming.
Having just finished Fairhaven Rising, what I thought would be the last book of The Saga of Recluce. I was pleasantly surprised to discover another (and possibly more) book added to the saga. I look forward to reading it. Having already read the previous 21 recluce novels as well as the Imager Portfolio books I’m having difficulties deciding which of your series to obtain next! However, since I intend to add all of them to my library it should not be of much difficulty. I thank you for all of your excellent writing.
Have you read “Forever Hero”. It came out as a series of 3 books but later came out as one large book which is the one I purchased many years ago.
From a personal view, I would recommend you read the Corean Chronicals. Absolutely amazing series like Magic of Recluce.
I second that. There was a certain magic about the 2 Corean Chronicles trilogies, surpassed only by the first 7 books in the Recluce series, in my opinion. Just expertly conceived and executed. This makes me want to go back and re-read them.
And for readers not wanting to commit to a whole big series (I know the feeling, from Modesitt and other favorite authors) I would heartily recommend Modesitt’s science fiction.
My absolute favorite there is Adiamante, close second Hammer of Darkness. Just very stirring and transporting. Also really fun is Parafaith War.
Thank you for writing these… I am ecstatic that you picked him as your next main character. Lorn has long been my favorite and the mere thought of getting a full series based on this means a lot to me. Fanboy? Sure, but it’s well warranted. I appreciate your novels and will devour these as I have all that have come before this one. Truly grateful, I only hope that one of my kids will appreciate these as I have.
BTW, Naclos: informed prediction or lucky guess? 🙂 No magic powers in this world, but still a forest functions as a community in ways we seldom imagine.
Prediction, but based on a sense of how life operates before the science types confirmed it.
I can’t wait to read into perhaps the origins of this Recluce saga. I’m just halfway through my chronological reading of the series. Thank you for adding more novels to what has been an most enjoyable series. I’m trying to get the collection in hardcover for my collection of favored series.
I’m looking forward to reading this new novel. I’ve already read the previous 22 Recluce novels. I can’t wait for this new book to arrive. Thank you for writing all these wonderful books!
I’m super excited about this! I think you mentioned once about probably never writing about a time, before everyone came to the world of Recluce, and while this still isn’t that. I’m sure that there will be mentions, of what it was like, where they came from. You had a short story a while back, that talked a little about the founding of Cyad. It took place in the Accursed Forrest and the main character in that story, spoke about his failing devices. I loved that little piece from the past, and I am certainly looking forward to more!
How is it that several authors can actually publish several books a year and yet while you do write several you’re down to just one a year being published?
I’m probably not going to live until 2024 so looks like I’ll need to steal your books from the publisher else I’ll be back to haunt you.
I’ve slowed down a bit. Over the past several years, I’ve written about 1 1/2 books a year. So two books were published in 2019, one in 2020, two in 2021, one in 2022, one scheduled in 2023, and likely two in 2024.
Which one is scheduled in 2023 so far ? ( Just finished Councilor )
Contrarian is currently scheduled for August of 2023
Looking forward to another great Saga in the land of Recluse.
Looking forward very much to what story you’ve found to tell us. I’ve always especially loved how much I learn in many of your books.
Totally random aside, I was thinking about “full shields” that some people have. I know they work in different ways for different people, but for at least one, they were hardened air. I was thinking about the build up of humidity and carbon dioxide inside a fixed volume like that. Has that ever been a problem for anyone? I love that you have consequences in your magic, like darkness in the light shield.
To clarify, what I love most is not magical details. But the things I can learn, whether it’s woodworking or polisci. And the times when the growth of a character is close to how I need to grow as well, and I can feel myself in them.
You’ve given years of wisdom and adventure to this one man, you are my favorite author, and I owe you so very much. Thank you.
I’ve thought about the consequences of using shields — often — and try to think those consequences out.
Mr. Modesitt,
Are you planning anything around continuing Nylan, Arlynn and the founding of the Druids? Tying the story back to Creslin?
Certainly not any time soon. I’m working on the story of Alyiakal, and that’s likely to take all my effort for the next year or more.
After that, we’ll just have to see.
You hinted at it with Weryl I think… 🙂
I have just finished my first reading of the Recluce Saga. I ended up choosing to read it chronologically just before Fairhaven Rising was published. I’ve seen several of the books before but was inbetween series. I dislike starting a continuity inbetween. Let me say it has been an absolute pleasure reading these and have had no regrets save for not knowing that recluce tales jumped all around the timeline. I would have tried chronologically dating the stories and have read them inbetween where they belong, but reading tales at the end was still good. Only recently did I find out that this “prequel” to my reading was announced and I can’t wait to read it. Lorn’s story was my first reading and one of my favorites. I understand you prefer the publication order for reading. Do you know or are at liberty of telling if these early publications will get hardcover reprints. I just need the Magic of Recluce hardcover and Recluce Tales to complete my Hardcover set. Some of the books I’ve also gotten second hand and are not in the best of conditions. Thank you again so much for bringing this world to us. It has been a pleasure reading.
Given the state of publishing today, particularly with the significant increase in the cost of paper, I think it’s highly unlikely that any of the earlier Recluce hardcovers will be reprinted as hardcovers. Subterranean Press did a special limited hardcover edition of The Magic of Recluce about eleven years ago — on the twentieth anniversary of its initial publication — but that sold out fairly quickly.
I have managed to find a copy second hand in very good condition and it should be arriving tomorrow according to tracking. I’m very excited to finally complete the collection as it is currently.
I am pumped for this latest one!
Really enjoyed the Grand Illusion series so far, and looking forward to Contrarian. While I am extremely impressed with your prolific writing – you can’t get these out fast enough!
All the best,
Enjoying all of your work so much over the years, that I have now opted to go back and buy E-Books of the Corean Chronicles. Thank you again for all the time, energy, sweat, and tears
Corean Chronicles is my number 1 or number 2 from Mr. Modessit. I even requested more from that universe. However, I understand that a person can only do so much, and Recluce is alive and well!
Like Mic T Holcomb I was afraid you were finished with Recluce. I have wished for more about Alyiakal. Wish granted!!! THANK YOU!
How many sets of twins do you have in your immediate family? I’ve noted that there’s at least one set, and usually more, in almost every book you have written.
I am not a twin, but have siblings who are, cousins, offspring, and even my 80-something year old Godmother.
Actually, there’s no record of twins in my family on either maternal or paternal sides in at least five generations.
I’m currently enjoying this book immensely but I am seriously struggling with the pronunciation of Alyiakal. Any insight would be appreciated.
AHH-lee-ahh-kahl is the way I’ve always pronounced it.
That helps considerably, thank you. I’m already looking forward to the other books.
Just finished FROM THE FOREST. Already eager for the next installment. Love the whole series, especially your rather detailed obsession with meals and food (heh)