MultiCon Don

Donald Trump has nasty nicknames for almost everyone. Why hasn’t anyone come up with one that sticks to him? After all, he’s lied about everything, and his supporters not only don’t care, but many of them revel in his various “capers,” from stiffing workers and contractors, to conviction of sexual assault and character defamation (twice, no less), and conviction on thirty-four counts of business fraud.

Donald, aka Boy Orange and pseudo-billionaire, already has multiple crime convictions, and that doesn’t count all the other charges, including an attempted coup, and continuous out-and-out lies (not exaggerations or misstatements, but bald-faced lies), not to mention even implying that his vice-president ought to have been hung by the mob that Trump unleashed on the U.S. Capitol, a mob he left to its own devices and violence for hours while gloating in the White House. But none of these seem to stick in the public memory, which means people don’t even seem to understand the extent of his cons and crimes.

So little sticks to him that he almost seems to be made of Teflon, but calling him that would be so unfair to Teflon, because it has honest uses and practical purposes… and yet he needs a suitable nickname that sticks to him.

The best I can do is MultiCon Don.

What about you?

5 thoughts on “MultiCon Don”

  1. Postagoras says:

    I understand your point about the Teflon, but it’s not completely true. It’s only true for Trump’s devout fans, the ones who kept The Apprentice on TV for fifteen seasons. They love his schtick, including the playground insults.

    Nicknames for Trump exist but can’t get traction because there’s no audience for that amongst folks sick of Trump.

  2. KTL says:

    I don’t know why the descriptors don’t stick with his base. However, I hope there’s one name that we, and history, will call him….and that’s Prisoner Don. At some point in the future it will be the ‘late’ Donald Trump. No one ever escapes the grim reaper.

  3. KevinJ says:

    The best I’ve come up with is The Donvict.

    But, you know, since the birther crap he was spouting during Obama’s presidency, the one I’d like to turn around on him is, he needs to submit to a DNA test. Is he even human?

    I mean, if aliens wanted to destabilize and destroy the US, they’d come up with someone just like him, wouldn’t they?

  4. Tom says:

    With all the alternative-truths, alternative-facts, alternative-histories, alternative-sanities … it’s awkward, but we must be talking about Dalternatorump (or Dalternative-trump).

  5. Grey says:

    Trump‘s routine is a tired, boring retread with nothing new, and it seems like the media and non-MAGA America are no longer chasing after it like they once did. Let’s not help him out.

    Every minute we are talking about what race Kamala is, whether his Arlington National Cemetery photo op was illegal, whether he is rude, or what the best nickname is, it’s just doing what he wants.

    He much prefers those conversations than one about his failing mental state, how he has no policy solutions to any of America’s problems (what’s the plan to replace Obamacare? Been waiting 9 years now to hear about it), or how Harris is currently kicking his tail from coast to coast in the polls and gaining every week, while he pays people to half-fill his speech venues.

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