Year 92 From the Forest (January 2024)
Year 101 Overcaptain (November 2024)
Year 103 Sub-Majer’s Challenge ( September (?) 2025)
Year 104 The Last of the First (2026 (?)
Year 410 Magi’i of Cyador
Year 418 Scion of Cyador
Year 801 Fall of Angels
Year 803 The Chaos Balance
Year 815 Arms-Commander
Year 825 Cyador’s Heirs
Year 833 Heritage of Cyador
Year 1075 The Mongrel Mage
Year 1076 Outcasts of Order
Year 1077 The Mage-Fire War
Year 1093 Fairhaven Rising
Year 1300 The Towers of the Sunset
Year 1590 The White Order
Year 1600 The Magic Engineer
Year 1605 Colors of Chaos
Year 1900 Natural Ordermage
Year 1903 Mage-Guard of Hamor
Year 2050 The Order War
Year 2110 Wellspring of Chaos
Year 2112 Ordermaster
Year 2250 The Magic of Recluce
Year 2255 The Death of Chaos
The years date from the founding of Cyad.
Fantastic chronology, it’ll help in my future re-reads. I appreciate this
Very much appreciated. Any chance on a date layout for Recluce Tales? We can figure em out by context for the most part, but just for completion?
Great to have this official and including new material, thanks!
Seconded that Recluce universe short stories would be a welcome addition…if there are any relatively quiet spare days for that sort of thing. 🙂
Thank you for the listing!
The year listed for Ordermaster is clearly wrong.
No, actually the date for Wellspring of Chaos was wrong. I’ve corrected it. Thank you [and damn the typos].
I love it, thank you so much!
It’s good to know what’s coming! But alas, I have multiple medical problems and am unlikly to live long enough to read even the first new book.
Thank you. Very useful in many ways.
Thank you – I have been trying to sort this for years so as happy as a pig in muck.
LEM, any chance of seeing something similar for the Imager books?
Not for a while; I’m tied up for a bit.
It goes:
Imager’s Battalion,
Antiagon Fire,
Rex Regis,
Madness in Solidar,
Treachery’s Tools,
Assassin’s Price,
Imager’s Challenge,
Imager’s Intrigue.
You can see the chronological order on Wikipedia
This SAGA OF RECLUCE CHRONOLOGY needs to be posted to the website so it is available to everyone, i.e. not confined to the questions and answers section for June 6, 2023. (I know that I had great difficulty in finding this updated chronology.)
Note. I own ebook copies of the entire series and will be preordering the three new ebooks coming out starting in 2024.
Been reading since I was in Middle School. Thank you for this and the recent humble bundle so that after 20 years my dad and I can enjoy them together! (Him for the first time and me rereading for the first time in a long time.)
Thank you for the is updated chronology of the series. I had no idea new books were. It would be great to fill in the gaps after Nolan’s story as to how things progress. Was hoping to learn about the first druids. I’ve loved this series for years and will continue to love it.
Thank you for the chronology’s super helpful
Totally love your books
I am soooooo grateful for this timeline! Started reading/rereading this series and hate the jumping around in time and the losing of a character like Lerris for several books which are chronologically out of order!!!
I am currently rereading Arms-Commander. A character from Lornth told Saryn that Lorn the Magnificent lived about one thousand years ago. The timeline provided indicates that Lorn lived only 400 years previously. What gives? Also could one of the future Aliakal books include a map of Candar with the boundaries and cities of Cyador. Thank you.
So far as the timeline goes, I sometimes make mistakes. I didn’t formally write out the earlier chronology of the timeline until after I wrote Arms-Commander. But the timeline on the website is actually correct. Of course, I could say that those informing Saryn were exaggerating, but I goofed.
As I’ve noted elsewhere, I have tried to get Tor to include updated maps, but given the copyright limitations, and because my personal maps are quite detailed and quite large, that would require getting an artist to redraft them, and that additional expense is not feasible, according to Tor management.
Where do the short stories in Tale Of Recluse fit in here?
I have always wanted to read this series but the chronological mess the series was released in put me off. This list is just what I needed to enjoy this series
How exspensive would it be to add them to the website and include a link in the ebooks?
Thank you,
While it would be costly, the cost of duplicating the maps would only be the beginning, and the amount of time considerable. In addition, because I don’t have the technical skills, even if Tor were willing, which I doubt, it would likely take me even more time… and at my age, I’d rather write more books.
Rereading (for the umpteenth time) the Cyador thread: From the Forest, Magi’i, Scion, Heirs and Heritage of Cyador, then Natural and Mage Guard. Always wondering how Hamor developed to be what it was in the time of Lerris with the Death of Chaos. I can’t wait for the next three Alyiakal stories.
So glad to have such riches to read and re read. When I start worrying about issues I cannot change, this series is a rediscovered respite. Thank you for your efforts.
I have loved this series since the first book. I really wish I could finish the last two, but it’s unlikely that leukemia will hold off that long. Thanks for the adventure!
You’re welcome… but I will hope for the best for you.
The first date that appears in Heritage of Cyador is 593 AF yet in this chronological it says 833. That’s a huge difference in trying to read these in chronological order.
Like most I’ve read them as published and am now in process of trying to read them in order of time.
Great series, absolutely love it, reminds me somewhat of the Dragons of Pern, the early Conan books as well as Eddings, Fiest and Gemmell
The website chronology is accurate in terms of order. As you’ve discovered, I’ve occasionally made internal errors.