January 16th Question

I’ve always wondered, with your massive collection of written works, has there ever been a proposition for a movie and/or series? (I’m biased for the Corean Chronicles but, just imaging a war torn Alucius firing a darkened bullet into a diving pteirodon on the big screen, got me wondering.) Also, the art for your covers are phenomenal, and belong in a museum, how did you acquire these master artists? Is it a certain institution or was it all via commission/freelance?

So far, while I’ve had occasional inquires from the movie/cinema field, no one has ever made even a proposition for a movie or TV production/series. The artwork for my covers was handled by the art department at Tor, and, as you’ve noted, in general they’ve done a very good job, especially with the fantasy covers, although some of the SF covers are among my favorites (Haze, Archform:Beauty, Quantum Shadows).

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