Could you give a run- down on the approximate equivalents for your time references in the Imager series?
The week is seven days, based on the French equivalents: Lundi, Mardi, Meredi, Jeudi, Vendrei, Samedi, Solayi. A “glass” is roughly equivalent to 100 minutes of our time, and a quint is a fifth of a glass. There are five two-month seasons [Winter, Spring, Summer, Harvest, and Fall]. The ten months are Ianus, Fevier, Maris, Avryl, Mayas, Juyn, Agostas, Erntyn, Feuillyt, and Finitas. Each month is thirty-five days long.
Can anything be done to fix SyFy (formerly the Sci-Fi Channel)? Anything good gets cancelled, and only “reality” shows stay on the air.
I have my doubts. The problem is that, in general, reality-style shows cost less to produce than what I’d call more solid shows. These days, everything in the entertainment field is based on attracting the widest possible audience with the lowest possible cost — unless the network/channel has a huge guaranteed audience for a specific show or the show is the very occasional blockbuster designed to drag in a wider audience to justify sky-high advertising rates (directly or indirectly). Even in niche markets, the suits want the widest chunk of the niche with the lowest cost. This pretty much guarantees lots of low-cost, lower quality program with an occasional “show-stopper.” Until these economics fail, I don’t see anything changing, at least not in the near future.