Several years ago, established fantasy author L.E. Modesitt, Jr. began a science fiction trilogy with Of Tangible Ghosts (Tor, 1994) which Booklist described as “possibly Modesitt’s best book.” The sequel, The Ghost of the Revelator (Tor, 1998) followed with equally high acclaim. Now, Tor is pleased to announce the conclusion of the Ghost Trilogy with GHOST OF THE WHITE NIGHTS.
GHOST OF THE WHITE NIGHTS returns to the tale of Johan Eschbach, Professor of Environmental Science and semi-retired secret agent, and his wife Llysette, a world-renowned singer. This time, the setting is an alternate present day Russia, during the long “white nights” of summer. This Russia is still ruled by the Czars, and what we know as the eastern U.S. is now the nation of Columbia. When Llysette is sent by the Columbian government on a cultural exchange program to St. Petersburg, Johan accompanies her to work behind the scenes on the oil concession in Russian Alaska that Columbia so desperately needs. But when Johan discovers that the Russians are developing a deadly new weapons technology, his mission changes.
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L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
A Tor Mass Market Paperback
0-765-34032-1 / $6.99
October 2002