I’ve just turned in the manuscript for the next Imager Portfolio book — Madness in Solidar, which takes place some 380 years after the Wars of Consolidation.  There’s no official publication date, but it will likely be released in either spring or summer of 2015.  I’m currently in the early stages of work on a comparatively near-future [a century from now] SF novel, but, as usual, I won’t be saying much more about that until I’m much farther along.  For those who are interested, the release date of Heritage of Cyador is set for this coming November 18th.

Just wanted to say thank you. I’ve enjoyed the new Imager series between rereads off your other work. I only hope you enjoy writing them even a tenth as much as I enjoy reading them. Best wishes.
exciting news!
will the latest imager be a stand alone or will it be part of a vast new series? (fingers crossed for the vast new series)
will eagerly await the arrival of the new stories and anticipate the announcement of many many more of your wonderful stories.
It’s a stand-alone, although I have plans for another stand-alone in that same general time period.
Can’t say I am not disappointed, but I know for a fact that I will have hours of enjoyment on each and every one of your novels so it more than makes up for that disappointment.
Plus I know that you will be working on a vast new series soon enough.
And I will be eagerly waiting for those novels! Just wish your publisher requested more volumes a year! That way there would be less of a wait between stories.
It’s not the publisher. Tor is willing to publish everything I write, at least so far, but I can’t write any faster.
I am still eagerly waiting to hear and read any and all your stories.
And as Jim said, we all appreciate getting the books as fast as you can produce them.
You are one of the voices that allow all of us to enjoy and travel in your imagination. It is most definitely to our benefit that you share them with us.
Thank you!
Well, we all appreciate getting the books as fast as you can produce them 🙂
Thanks for all the reading pleasure you give us all!
Having 62 of your books, I look forward to each and every one that comes out. I still find myself re-reading them during those quiet times when I can sit and binge read a series at a time…lol. Thank you for your existing and continuing works.
Hope the new Imager book comes out soon. My copies are thoroughly dog-eared.
Thank you for Imagination
Very happy to hear that two new Recluse books are coming out this year. This is my personal favorite of your book series. Hope there will be more books in this series in the future. Please keep up the fantastic work.
I would love to see continuation of the the Recluse series with Karl and Jeka after they have reached Cantyl. These two are one of my favorite books in that series.
Absolutely adore the characters in the Imager series. (spoiler alert)…The loss of Skarpa saddened me. He had a great supporting role. Thank you for the many hours of entertainment. I look forward to checking out your other series. Good luck with all the writing.
Question about Madness in Solidar… we’ve read about the pograms of imagers that are considered old history by the time Rhenn becomes an imager. Might this book highlight some of that time? I am a huge fan of all of your fantasy work, and I have been ever since I picked up a paperback copy of The Magic of Recluse many years ago. Thank you for your worlds and your literary genius!
Madness in Solidar does in fact deal with one of the “past history” incidents that Rhenn mentions.
I just finished “Cyador’s Heirs”. Well done, sir! A solid, entertaining read. No spoilers, but I thought the way you introduced all the ground that was covered, since the time of “Scion of Cyador”, was particularly deft.
I look forward to November 18th.
Hi Mr Modesitt,
Quick question – do you think you will ever write a Recluce book that takes place after “The Death of Chaos?”
As I’ve said before, it’s highly unlikely that I’ll ever write a Recluce book that takes place after The Death of Chaos, but I am working on a story collection entitled Recluce Tales, and there are two stories which take place several years after The Death of Chaos. It will likely be at least a year or two before this is finished, since, outside of the three stories already published [which will be included], all the other stories are original and unpublished.[I’m answering this here, as well as posting it as the June question.]
I read Cyador’s Heirs too quickly…..it is a long time until November. 🙂
Thanks again for another very enjoyable read!
I’m feeling a bit left in the wind by “The Mage-Guard of Hamor” & “The Lady-Protector”. Are you planning on finishing up those stories?
Any additional book about either Mykella or Rahl would have to be either totally unrealistic or a definite anti-climax, since they’ve both destroyed all credible opposition. I’d prefer not to write either toally unrealistic or anticlimactic books.
The charm (that I find the most enduring and enjoyable) in most of your stories is the fact that your characters are always building something. I feel that I am a part of the story even when the big story is written. I would often wonder what became of characters after the grand story is written. Did they have children, did their children have children…etc. And with whom did those characters interact with and do those descendants make an appearance in other fiction.
But the very fact that those stories are not told allows me to continue them myself. I can imagine a chair or a child of the hero’s making an impact in the future.
I would like to say that I have just finished the newest recluse novel and I enjoyed it greatly, and I look forward to the next release to wrap up a wonderful yarn.
Each and every one of your books have entertained me. But what I find really interesting is how, especially in your first person present point of view, the character manages to withhold key thinking in order to spring the very satisfactory solution to problem looming in the future. This technique seems to be almost unique to your writing. I think it is what lends so much charm to your storytelling.
I have been a big fan of your books for many years and am looking forward to seeing the new Sci-fi book you have coming out next year, but i have always wondered three things.
the first is that in many of your different saga;s and even stand alone books you mention things that hint that the multiple universes that you are writing in are connected, but they are only hints, i have wondered how much they actually are connected and if you will ever write more about that. would be fun to see someone from recluse end up back in the world of the rational stars, or if the forever hero ended up in the world of the imagers.
the second is why so few of your books have been turned into audio-books.
And the third is why their have not been more fan-fiction stories written in your worlds.
The reason why there are “links” is because I extrapolate from the present so that the “past” of all of my SF novels is our present, while I see the fantasy sagas as taking place in, if you will, parallel universes. As for audiobooks, the reason why I don’t have that many audiobooks is that, until just a few years ago, I couldn’t get any audiobook publishers interested. Now that has changed, and Tantor will finish publishing all of the Recluce books by the end of the year — or perhaps early next year. After that, I’ll see if I can interest them in doing the Corean Chronicles backlist.
As for fan fiction, I have mixed feelings. I haven’t forbidden it — not that such would stop it — but I haven’t encouraged it, either.
Thanks for answering my questions. So we will not see a real crossover book like someone from Corean ending up on Recluse, but what about someone from recluse going back to the rational star’s?
After all at at least 3 different times (founding of cyador, fall of angles and the black order master in the magic of recluse) people traveled to the world, at some point the tec base on recluse would have to be advanced enough for space travel to be possible from that planet back to the universe where they came from. so would that be a possible target for a future book? If not a full book at least a short story?
Can you also add the links to the audiobook formats for your books to your website, that way people will stop asking about it!
Thanks again for your years of writing and the enjoyment that it has brought to millions!
LEM, could you please add a ‘Heritage of Cyador’ link to the Recluce books list so you can get credit for the Amazon ebook purchase?
I’m curious. In Rex Regis, a character was introduced by the name of Poincaryt. Is this the same Poincaryt who is head of the Imagers in Rhennthyl’s time? Would that even be possible considering that this next book takes place some 380 years after everything that happens with Quaeryt? I just wasn’t sure if this was just a common or if there was something I was missing.
In Solidar, as in our world, names are often passed down. This is one of those cases.
LEM, have you ever thought about a “right now” space novel that combines your working knowledge of Government and what our next step in space might/could be? I mention Government, because of their control of NASA as well as control / manipulation over any civilian space enterprise. What would the next space step be, and how might it come about / difficulties in overcoming bureaucracy.
Within this framework, you could make it as serious/real-world as you can stomach, or bring in something like an earth-bound Ecolitan; a scientist/engineer who knows how governments work.
I tried something very close to that with an earlier collaboration — The Green Progression . It got pretty good reviews, and it was the worst-selling book Tor published in the 1990s. Needless to say, it’s no longer in print… or available as an ebook.
I will be picking up a copy of the Green Progression, wherever I can find it.
I only mention the near-future “space” angle because Hollywood has increased the number of space movies with even more on the way. Seems like a space craze is brewing. NASA may do well to capitalize on it.
Moon (2009), Prometheus (2012), Gravity (2013), Guardians of the galaxy (2014), & Starwars (2015) are just a few of the recent big names.
I’m excited to hear about a new Imager novel. I’m currently reading Antiagon Fire and have Rex Regis sitting onmy bookshelf at home once I’m done. I was delighted to see that there will be two new Cyador novels as well. I enjoy your novels very much, they are so rich in detail and character. Many thanks for all your hard work.
The Green Progression just happens to be one of my favorite current time political/thrillers. I don’t normally get books from re-sellers, but I was forced to in order to find this one.
I’m a big fan back to the old early days. Looking forward to both the next two books. thanks for the many hours of pleasure.
I’m astounded by the way you can turn the point of view to show both sides of the story. As in the Recluse Black Mages and White Wizards, and the Corean Alectors and Indigenes. I find both series very enjoyable.
If you run out of ideas, how about an early WT of Alectors. I’m curious as to what drove the Alectors to that first transit, which must have been truly terrifying to the first to fling themselves across the void.
Amazon and Barnes + Noble posted the release date as March 3, 2015. It’s available for pre-order
Just finished Madness in Solidar
Excellent stuff as expected though it seems to be only part 1 given what we know from the Rhenn books; still enough closure and the historical mentions were great, bittersweet on occasion when talking about the later years of Quaeryt and Vaelora; liked also the parts about more Ryel mischief, not to speak having a descendant of the two in there
I just finished reading “Madness in Solidar.” Loved it. I do hope you write additional books in the Imager series. I have reread then all three or more times.
I’m also on my third reading of all the Cyador books. Each time I find some nuance that I missed in previous readings.
I’m definitely one of your fans and have books in all your series.
I wish you continued success.
Mr. Modesitt,
I just finished ‘Madness in Solidar’ as well. Thank you. Your writing is the most thought provoking that I have found in the genre’s I enjoy. I first picked up the hardbound edition concerning Loki back when it was published oh so many years ago. Since then… well, every one with the exception of the green progression which… well, it costs too much. I hope you have many more in front of you.
My best to you and yours,
Mr. Modesitt,
I just finished ‘Madness in Solidar’ as well and enjoyed it immensely. I will echo comments found in the many posts that make their way to you by saying that a detailed map would help. I have a very pictorial approach to reading and having a map to reference really helps. I want to thank you for the many, many hours to enjoyment you have given me through eading your books.
Ron Blondeau, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I was really good with Madness. I didn’t actually stay up all night reading. ( Close ) very enjoyable in the fabric of Solidar.
L.E. Modesitt:
Sir, as usual, the patience required to wait for the next installment of your series is way too long. After being spoiled with the 5 book story arc of the founding of Solidar and the Collegium it saddens me to find out that Madness in Solidar is a stand alone (a great stand alone, but still a stand alone)
As always eagerly waiting for more.
Mr Modesitt
I have been reading your works for many years now and never get enough but always looking for more.
Just waiting for a follow up on Heirs/Heritage of Cyador.
Always greedy for more
DMB Queensland,Australia
Would like to just throw out there how much my brother and I have enjoyed all of your books. Always eagerly awaiting your next published work and rereading past works in the meantime. I only hope my kids will enjoy them as much as they get older (all toddlers at this point).
Thanks a ton and greedily hope you live to be 120!
Khale , Boise, Idaho, USA
Hello Mr. Modesitt
Thank you for continuing to write in the Recluse Saga! Its aways been enjoyable novel series for me read. I am a paper back collector and i’m looking forward when the Heritage of Cyador is in paper back.
I have question related to the Recluse. Is there possibility of doing novel set in the original universe/time set where the Rational Stars and United Faith are set?
A number of readers have asked whether I’ll do a science fiction novel set in the “universe”of the Rational Stars. While I have no plans at present to do so, I have not ruled out the possibility of writing such a novel.